Tuesday 30 December 2014

A discussion on NHS and homelessness with a Wokingham voter

@AvengersFight: @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy @AdrianWindisch Labour or green then. Andy Croy, Adrian W, what do you think needs to be addressed in Wokingham?

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy reverse privatisation of health services and address what people really need

@AvengersFight: @AdrianWindisch @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy also what in your opinion do ppl really need/how would u go about finding this out?

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy survey people. I would start with something simple like insulating homes for pensioners and poorest 

@AvengersFight: @AdrianWindisch @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy that's cool :) my understanding is that health services aren't actually being privatised though?

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy health professionals say NHS is being privatised  http://t.co/zDA7MOZCuQ

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy no worries. http://t.co/m99KHC1ju8 (link from Green Party re privatisation) 

@AvengersFight: @AdrianWindisch @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy cool. Good one. Are you aware of the issue of + homelessness in Wokingham, esp in young ppl?

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy put empty homes back into use, solve homeless problem.

@AvengersFight: @AdrianWindisch @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy what empty homes? There aren't any...

@AdrianWindisch: @AvengersFight @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy read (the link) nearly a million (empty homes) in the UK. And empty offices that can be converted too http://t.co/zRuCWCGVJw

@AvengersFight: @AdrianWindisch @CaptWokingham @AndyCroy Ahh that's a fantastic idea.

(Writing in brackets was added later. Twitter limits you to 140 characters so I thought a few words of explanation would help). 

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