Police were given extra powers to deal with troublemakers at 2010 Reading Festival after large fires were started at the 2009 event. Police and Reading Council have decided to have one this year also. Local residents expect congestion on roads aound Reading from Thursday 25th, we were surprised this year with roads closed one week early due to floods. Lets hope it stays dry for the festi.
Groups of people set tents, hedgerows and rubbish on fire in 2009, while fencing was also ripped up.
Labour lead Cllr Rachel Eaden says "This years dispersal order will enable the police to break up any group, defined rather broadly as '2 or more', who they think is likely to cause trouble: not just festival goers but also aggressive ticket touts. It's a power they use with discretion and I hope it will be of benefit not just to local residents but also to our visitors. As I said in the police's press release what we want is for all who attend to have a fun, safe time."
This year's Reading Festival has sold out. The headliners are Muse, My Chemical Romance, The Strokes and Pulp.
Reading University end of term update
We got the following update from Reading University. Green councillors will
keep working with the University to improve the town for everyone.
This is ...
5 years ago
1 comment:
Full marks to Rob White for again refusing to take the 'bribery' tickets supplied by the organisers to the councillors. It is depressing , but not unexpected, that our wonderful councillors don't seem to see any wrong in accepting tickets worth several hundred pounds from an organisation that RBC have to give permission to for the event and any increase in capacity.
I wonder how many of the recipients of the tickets actually use them personally !!!!!!!!!!
Well done Rob and presumably/hopefully Melanie also .
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