Tuesday 28 June 2011

LD not a "Green party of government"

Though they claim to be a "green party of government" members and elected representatives of the LD dont all behave in a Green way.

They oppose a third runway at Heathrow but up and down the country they all to often support expansion of local airports. How they reconcile this with their Green boasts is not explained.

Indeed while some are ok others are behaving rather like Tories. So quite fitting that they are propping them up. The thirst for power can lead to destruction.

Ex Southend LD mayor Nora Goodman gives “100 per cent backing” to the planned expansion of Southend Airport. Oops.


And "Liberal Democrats maintain their commitment to and support for Southend Airport" southendlibdems.co.uk/en/page/southend-libdem-councillors

Then theres MP Jo Swinson, supporting airport expansion in glasgow.

"The expansion of Glasgow Airport is welcome news for Scottish travellers" she says.

While many MPs are concerned with important issues LD MP Mike Crockart "congratulates Edinburgh Airport on being voted Best in Europe" 27 June 2011 Edinburgh West"

While he was an MP Lembit Opik was also keen on airports "The former leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats is backing plans for expansion of Cardiff airport" www.passengerterminaltoday.com/news.php?NewsID=10865

Meanwhile a few years ago a group called the Green Lib Dems say "Any growth in aviation must be sustainable, yet the government have chosen to follow a policy of predicting
demand and then attempting to provide facilities for this future demand. As anyone involved in building infrastructure knows, demand will always grow to meet
provision. Therefore "predict and provide" is a self fulfilling prophesy which must be discarded. " greenlibdems.org.uk/en/article/2005/014018/government-must-look-again-at-airport-strategy-thurso

They are correct about predict and provide (though LD still want to build motorways) but planes are simply not sustainable transport. Future generations will look back on this era of cheap flights as a shocking waste of scarce resources.

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