Tuesday 8 September 2009

Object To The Destruction Of The Bath Road Reservoir

Write To:
Justin Turvey, Planning Department, Reading Borough Council , Civic Centre Reading

Ref: 09/01360/OUT and 09/01359/LBC

Dear Justin Turvey

I object to the proposed redevelopment at the Bath Rd Reservoir site on the following grounds:

Elimination of one of the last sizeable green ‘lungs’ and open space in central Reading

Irreparable damage to vital ecology and wildlife

Increase in traffic in an already congested area

Exacerbation of the already severe parking issues that this area experiences

Damage to the character and heritage of the local area/damage to community cohesion

Unsympathetic design of proposed development leading to issues of overbearing, overshadowing and overlooking

Further damage to air quality in an existing Air Quality Management Area (Castle Hill/Tilehurst Road)

Loss of amenity - noise, dust, scale of proposed development, loss of trees

Overburdening of local resources and services (local health, education, sustainability and community safety)

Disregard and disrespect for original Planning Brief, which Thames Water constantly misrepresent in their press statements

Thanks to Mel from http://www.savethebathroadreservoir.co.uk/help.html for doing this.

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