Friday 15 May 2009

Appeal For Witnesses Climate Camp Kingsnorth

Hello from the 2009 Climate Camp Legal Team.

We've an important request about the Kingsnorth Camp: Can you help us identify these people?

PANORAMA is making a film about policing at Climate Camp events.

They really liked the footage from Kingsnorth last year, especially all the silly things the police confiscated, and want to use it on TV.
Did you or anyone you recognise take part in a film last year made by the legal team where you talked about the property the police had seized from you?
They also have some film of people being attacked by the police at K5 and the forced searches.

But . . . they need peoples consent before they can use the film. So we have to find them.

Can you all get in touch with all your friends, get them to look at this lot, and if one of them recognises themself, email us on legal [at] ASAP?

See to view the images.

We'll need to know all of these:
WHICH picture number they are
contact phone and/or email
are they willing to let it be used?
are they willing to be interviewed? (need to supply a phone no if so)

Panorama particularly want to interview the children - we think they might be from a bicycle cinema - do you know whose they are?

All clues and guesses to legal[at] - we've found 19 of them so far, help us finish them off!

the legal team

PS we now have a series of Legal Team pages on the main camp website with all sorts of other info on it. See the third blue tab down on the left of the front page at

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