In association with; Zed Books, The International Journal of Green Economics, Green Economics Publishing, Inderscience Publishers of academic journals, Etopia Belgium, Alternatives Economiques, France, Oikos Belgium.
The Green Economics Institute invites you to:
Green Economics Conference/Seminar at Oxford University
Social aspects of Green Economics
Basic income,
women and debt,
poverty, human trafficking,
women’s access to economics
Saturday 9 February 2008
at Mansfield College, Oxford University, UK
(This conference will also be run in the French Senat in June 2008)
This conference explores new cutting edge ideas for change to provide for social justice, equity and solidarity, the future of the welfare state and in particular looks at those groups who have been left out of recent social arrangements. Various aspects of methodology are explored.
Specialists invited include experts from governments in Europe, from Institutions and Foundations conceptualising and implementing programmes for change. Lawyers discuss their experience at the sharp end of social problems, unravelling the personal dimensions of human trafficking. Participators are writers who have expertise in the problems of women and poverty and are influential in advising others of the need for change. A special feature of poverty is its gendered aspect - as women only own 1% of the world’s assets and are often left out of discussions at an academic level, both in terms of presenting and in terms of the content. This conference attempts to address this issue.
The global south is also talked “to” rather than “about”, Green Economics reclaims economics discourse for all of us as participants. There is also a strong emphasis on Basic Income, and on the new moves to change the social system, decoupling work, income, social support and pensions. Academics working on income and equity issues as well as economists and economics writers and editors from around Europe have been invited to share with us the latest ideas from that arena. Several writers of popular books and newspaper journalists will explain the interconnectedness (holism) of these ideas. This conference will present a variety of interesting perspectives on this subject.
There will be proceedings of this conference, given to participants on arrival and published by the Green Economics Institute as a result of this conference. The proceedings may be published as an e-papers for library databases and all speakers are invited to submit papers for each of these.
The programme is currently in the process of finalisation – please email for final programme, some changes may occur if unavoidable.
This conference must be pre-booked, pre-registered and pre-paid. Fees are £79 per person including lunch and admission.
Special reduced rates apply for speakers and for paid up members of the Green Party, and of the Green Economics Institute,(Our Green Economics Institute membership forms are on the website ( students of Mansfield College at Oxford University and for speakers if pre-arranged (20% reduction). General student rate is £38 pre-booked on production of a student card, as is the rate for older people and people with special needs.
All speakers are required to register and pay the speaker rate and are required to submit a paper for the proceedings, which will be published. Initially all speakers should submit half a page abstract in text format (OpenOffice or Word), no other formats can be accepted.
Please email Miriam Kennet to advise if you’d like to speak, book a place or request further information
To book, please email us the booking form from the web and send your cheque (Payable to The Green Economics Institute) to:
The Green Economics Institute, 6 Strachey Close, Tidmarsh, READING RG8 8EP
Accommodation details are on the website and include some accommodation at the college. (the above fees do not include suppers, accommodation or breakfasts).
Reading University end of term update
We got the following update from Reading University. Green councillors will
keep working with the University to improve the town for everyone.
This is ...
5 years ago
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