Tuesday 16 October 2012

Peace Prize

Green Party Leader Natslie Bennett discussing wht the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize.

"The EU won the Nobel peace prize for what committee chair Thorbjørn Jagland described as its "struggle for peace and reconciliation, and for democracy and human rights" (Report, 13 October). The decision has been greeted with some surprise, but rather than dwell on past issues, let's regard this as an opportunity to make real progress towards peace, specifically the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The Green party has a vision of a Europe as a nuclear weapon-free zone, an area defined by the UN as having banned the use, development or deployment of nuclear weapons. That would truly deserve a Nobel prize. Britain can take the lead, by scrapping its plans to renew Trident – a horrendous use of £100bn at any time, but particularly disturbing at a time of widespread suffering under austerity."
Natalie Bennett
Green party leader

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