Saturday, 10 December 2011

Camerons Euro Crisis

Cameron seems to be so scared of a referendum he has isolated the UK within Europe.
Some have pointed out that Europe has cut short the careers his most famous predecessor Thatcher, he has reason for fear.

I am no fan of the Euro, but he claimed to be supporting it, then wouldnt support a treaty that would increase financial clarity. And lets not forget its lack of regulations that got us into this financial mess, he appears to be opposed to any increase on regulations to his friends in the city.

Its difficult to see how he can achieve much in Europe in the future, he has become a uniting figure for the rest of Europe that are lined up to oppose him. Who would have thought he would make Gordon Brown look less bad, but I think he has achieved this. Even down to increasing spending on the Olympics while cutting sports facilities, his priorities are all wrong.

Financial analyst Max Keiser says "Crazy Cameron suicidal with knife in Euro gunfight"

Interesting to see how his actions are viewed in Europe, thanks to the Guardian.

Der Spiegel The man who said no to Europe
"British prime minister David Cameron has completely isolated his country on the European stage – and many in his country applaud him for it. But he will soon have to prove that London still has clout in the UK and that his no to fiscal union wasn't just a bone thrown to Eurosceptics."

Inside, a comment piece by Roland Nelles says: "The UK is standing petulantly alone, no longer wanting to play."

Die Welt The end of Britain's EU membership
"Beginning of the end of Britain's EU membership" is the headline on its main online story. It quotes the president elect of the European parliament, Martin Schulz, as saying: "I doubt whether Britain stays in the long term in the EU. Britain has never been isolated in the EU sun." He believes Eurosceptics will now seize it as an opportunity to force the UK out of the EU.

Le Monde: Great Britain isolated like never before
"Let's be fair: The British are nothing to do with the crisis of the euro. They bear no responsibility for the inability of the leaders of the area to solve their problems of sovereign debt. But there is a sense that the British are well away from a movement towards greater economic integration and budget. They are not. They do not believe in the European idea. They are unrelated to this project now well becalmed, but yet it seems more essential than ever to forge a singular entity that can exist as such among the other centres of power of the 21st century."

El PaĆ­s The cracking of Cameron gives wins to the Eurosceptics
"The crisis serves to weaken a prime minister who does not have the full support of his own party due to the rise of Eurosceptic sentiment and the perception that pragmatism has led Cameron to change the sidewalk. The fiasco of yesterday may mark his career. In the short term has become a hero in your party. A retreat would make him lose that halo."

Irish Times Odds on Britain leaving the EU have shortened
"In the end, Cameron miscalculated", writes the paper's London correspondent Mark Hennessy. "Angela Merkel did not make the concessions he believed she would. But without a guarantee the financial transaction tax would be killed off. Cameron could not have come home – so he had no choice but to say no to the deal."

Financial Times: Britain opts for the empty chair
"Forcing the eurozone to set up its own parallel union will not protect the City … By precipitately wielding his veto, Mr Cameron may well have hastened the formation of such a bloc, to the detriment of British interests."

Daily Telegraph Cameron stands as lone man of Europe

Daily Express: Britain close to EU exit


howard thomas said...

Cameron made his position clear long before this meeting that a financial transaction tax was a big no. Germany,France et al must have known what he would do and yet continued in the same vein. Clearly though Cameron has 'grown some' and stuck to what he said.
There is of course an argument that 50-60% of Tory funding comes from the city and he would not dare to do anything else.
If there is one thing that Gordon Brown did right it was to keep out of the Euro.
The current situation could lead to the UK withdrawing to the status of the 'Common Market' position , where we keep the trading links but don't have the massive financial commitment and the duty to obey the EU regulations.
The argument that it would cost 3 million jobs in the UK is simply scaremongering. Trade is a 2 way thing and the countries of Europe export many goods/services to the UK . Would this stop as well? I think not!
The Eurozone crisis is far from over and it is more likely that it is just a matter of time before the Euro collapses . The EU will fight long and hard to prevent this, but in reality it will probably come about.
Interesting that the guy doing all the shouting there is called 'Keiser' don't you think !

Adrian Windisch said...

I think Keisr means King, not sure if your refering to WW1. Cameron didnt even tell Clegg what he was doing so am surprised you knew. He claimed to br supporting the Euro. You and I agree its only a matter of time before it goes, we are well out of it.

I understood you were keen on improving financial clarity in the EU though so perhaps you would have suppirted this treaty. Cameron is scared of his eurosceptic backbenchers but you see this as brave. Sticking to agreed policies takes guts that Cameron seems to lack.