Sunday 5 June 2011

Grow Heathrow

The transition movement is about changing the way we do things to a world with no oil. Transition deals with climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy (peak oil).

In Heathrow the local group has become active in protesting.
On March 1st 2010 Transition Heathrow members swooped on an abandoned market garden site in Sipson.

One year on and the site has been transformed from a derelict mess into a beacon of community strength and a great example of how to live sustainably on this planet.

The project aims to return the Berkeley Nurseries site back to it’s intended purpose – a thriving market garden that will provide our community with locally produced, organic fruit and veg as well as a venue for new and interesting projects and workshops…

The site is a hub for local residents and environmental activists to share knowledge and practical skills such as organic gardening, permaculture design, bicycle maintenance and wood and metal work.

Not only are we producing our own food, but we are now creating our own energy from the sun, we are collecting our own water from the greenhouse roofs to feed the plants, fruit and vegetables, we are using the rocket stove invention to heat our water and composting our own manure.

We welcome all ages, abilities and ideas so if you would like to get involved then please come and visit, just give us some warning on the site phone number: 07890751568 or at and we will make sure the kettle is on for you.

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