Wednesday 18 August 2010

100 Days into Coalition

After 100 days in office its traditional to judge the new government. So far they have broken many promises, and like Labour instead of debates in Parliament they announce policy to get maximum publicity, just like Labour used to.

They claim to want to increase fairness, but the VAT increases and cuts will hit the poorest hard. The Academy schools take funding from local schools that needed it. Going after benefit cheats while ignoring tax dodgers sends out the message that the richer are protected at the expense of the poor.

Osbourne promised that once the books were back in balance, the Government could focus on delivering a more equal society! That might be a long wait.

They abolished the Sustainable Development Comission, Jonathan Poritt says 'Civil servants across Whitehall are contemplating the carnage with growing ill-ease. It’s relatively easy to get rid of thing you don’t like. It’s a damn sight harder to bring forward better in their place.' '... I would say that less than 5% could make any sort of claim to sustainability being “fully embedded”.'

They got rid of the Audit Commission, the body that reduced waste from public spending.
In 1985-86 the commission led the investigation of the rate-capping rebellion which resulted in 32 Lambeth councillors and 47 Liverpool councillors being surcharged and banned from office. The gerrymandering 'homes for votes' scandal at Westminster Council was uncovered by the Audit Commission. In 2010 the commission carried out a corporate governance inspection of Doncaster Council in the light of 'serious concerns about the council's performance and the threat to public confidence caused by recent events', being the brutal attack on two boys by two brothers in Edlington. Recently over £200m of fraud has been detected through the National Fraud Initiative.

‘Echoes of Thatcher’ as Coalition scraps free infant milk. A cherished scheme which has given infants free milk for 70 years is to be scrapped in Coalition budget cuts, in what could prove a public relations disaster for David Cameron.

The Regional development agencies were scrapped. Their mission statement claims that they "promote and enable economic growth in England's regions by creating the conditions to grow businesses and by helping to create additional, better quality, higher-paid jobs."

Despite their saving many lives, speed cameras are being scrapped around the country.

Some of the UK's poorest families have been hit by more than 100 unfair spending cuts during the first 100 days of the new Government, a TUC analysis of departmental spending reveals today.

So not a good start. At least we havent invaded any more coutries, so far. But what about reducing emissions? The nation expects action.

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