Saturday 24 January 2009

Support Airplot, Block The Third Runway

I have written to my MP via, I suggest others do so as well. My letter is below.

On Wednesday there will be a vote in parliament on a third runway at Heathrow. Ahead of this vote we urgently need many Labour MPs to vote with their conscience and say NO to a third runway.

The government is asking all of us to reduce our energy consumption while they build another runway at Heathrow. I think it's hypocrisy.

But 57 Labour MPs signed an Early Day Motion against airport expansion last autumn and now we need those same MPs and others to vote against a third runway in parliament on Wednesday.

This won't be a binding vote, but cross party opposition to the runway will put enormous pressure on the government. It will certainly be a big blow to the government's insane plans to expand Heathrow.

I joined the campaign because I want to stand in the way of airport expansion. There are now more than 30,000 of us and more are joining everyday. This is the first opportunity to show the government we’re not going to let this runway go ahead. But we also need to get a lot more people involved. Once you have emailed the MPs, please pass this email to your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to do the same.

Thank you for joining with me to stop airport expansion, together we will make sure this runway doesn’t go ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Windisch

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