Thursday 22 May 2008

National liftshare Day 9th June 2008

National liftshare Day aims to raise the profile of carsharing and encourage and enable more people give it a try. Its a vital marketing tool in making any car share scheme a success.

Car sharing helps you in the following areas:
* Meeting travel plan targets
* Meeting CO2 reduction targets
* Saving money in car park management
* Corporate Social Responsibility
* Business continuity planning
* Increases employment catchment areas
* Helps to alleviate social exclusion

Here's WHY individuals should get involved
* Carsharing can be used for any type of journey at any time making it the cheapest and most flexible form of transport around.
* Saves you money on petrol costs
* Helps you do your bit for the environment
* Increases employment opportunities
* Makes boring journeys more sociable

Here's How companies, councils and organisations can get involved
If you have a car share scheme National liftshare Day is the perfect opportunity to promote it either internally to staff and colleagues, or externally to the general public. We've developed a number of tools to assist you in promoting your carsharing scheme to your target audience which can be found on your Monitoring Pages.

Keep an eye on the newsletters and over the next few months for more information.

If you don't have your own carshare scheme but would like to encourage carsharing between your colleagues and customers why not try some of the steps below.

1. Set up a prominent link to on your website, enabling people in your community to register their journeys free of charge.
2. Promote carsharing and encourage colleagues them make 9th June the day they try carsharing.
3. You could try and get an article in your in-house magazine or company newsletter. We've put together a draft article which might help inspire you.
4. Generate some positive PR for your company by shouting about the fact you are encouraging car sharing. We've put together a template Press Release which you can use as a basis.
5. Set up a carshare scheme for your organisation or community by visiting

Here's How individuals can get involved
1. Register your journey and find someone to travel with.
2. Tell your friends / family and colleagues about liftshare with our Tell a Friend facility.
3. Promote carsharing using our NLSD posters and leaflets which can be downloaded for free.
4. Encourage your employer to do more to promote carsharing in the work place. They can find out more information about our services from

Why not put a link to this page ( on your website? Alternatively you could put one of our National liftshare Day banners on the front of your site, enabling visitors to your site to find out more about the day and how they can get involved.

* Loughborough Endowed Schools will be promoting National liftshare Day to all parents on 9th June with posters going up around the car park and school, electronic mailing to all parents, t-shirts and display stand. Volunteer parents will also be helping to co-ordinate the school run thereby reducing the number of vehicles needed to get pupils to school on the day.

* Fife Council are encouraging all employees to give car sharing a try on NLSD. Priority parking already given to carsharers at Fife Council but in addition those who sign up between 1st - 9th June will also be awarded vouchers. Existing members of the Fife Council Carshare scheme aren't being left out either and those who share on 9th will also be entitled to the vouchers.

* Tripshare Fife will be running a regional radio campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of car sharing.

* Fife Council will be sending out National liftshare Day posters to NHS Fife and 100 local businesses to raise awareness and to make a real difference to the number of cars on the road on 9th June.

* UKAEA Culham will be will be exhibiting their scheme to employees in advance of NLSD. Posters will also be going up around the building and pens and mini torches have been produced as gifts to existing members and as incentives for others to sign up.

Please let us know about any events you are planning so we can add them to site.

If you would like to speak to us please contact us on or call 08700 780225.
Contact Us

For more information about National liftshare Day, please contact 08700 780225 or email

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