Monday 7 January 2008

supermarket action

I’d like to update you on the supermarket email action. Help ensure that the Government does not take the Commission’s advice and change planning rules to make it even easier for supermarkets to be built.

Since the initial launch of the email action an Early Day Motion (EDM 550 – see has been launched by Clive Betts MP.

We have therefore modified the action so that the letter to MPs asks them to sign EDM 550 as well as writing to Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hazel Blears MP.

If you have not yet taken the action please take a minute to do so (see link below). But if you already have then you can still ask your MP to sign the EDM. All you need to do is go through the same process as before, but when you get to Step 3 please copy and paste the following text in at the top of the suggested letter box before sending the email: This email is an amended version of one I previously sent.

The email action is available at:

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